GET SMART Project Gains Momentum

GET SMART Project Gains Momentum

Click Here to Donate ◃ Report a Safeguarding Concern GET SMART Project Gains Momentum Bethphage are delighted to launch a new exciting project called GET SMART.  The idea came about during the Covid-19 Lockdown restrictions.  Our Day Opportunities were actively...
GET SMART Project Launches!

GET SMART Project Launches!

Click Here to Donate ◃ Report a Safeguarding Concern GET SMART Project Launches! We are pleased to announce our GET SMART project, created earlier this year, has officially launched! The three interactive smart screens have been installed at two of our day...
GET SMART Project Launches!


Click Here to Donate ◃ Report a Safeguarding Concern GET SMART- COMING SOON... Bethphage are delighted to launch a new exciting project called GET SMART.  The idea came about last October, due to Covid-19 and Lockdown restrictions.  Our Day Opportunity Centres were...