Quality and CQC

High-Quality Services

Our aim at Bethphage is to be an excellent provider of services – we do this by offering person-centred support that is tailored to each individual. Like other support providers, we are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) but at Bethphage, we  also use our own internal quality monitoring standards to ensure we provide the best service possible for the people we support and their families.

 We have an ethos of continuous improvement because we know that there is always something new to aspire to, experience and achieve. This is why feedback is so important to us, good or bad and we encourage and actively support people to feedback on their service at any time through our accessible Feedback Policy, covering compliments, complaints and concerns. We use this feedback to improve the service for that person and share any learning across the organisation to make wider improvements where applicable.

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Our in house Quality Team are responsible for regular checks and monitoring of all our services. They complete an annual audit of each service that gathers the views of the people we support, their families and the staff. We apply this process to all of our services, including those that are not CQC registered (where a regulated activity is not provided and in the Day Opportunities services). It is important to us to ensure we have robust and independent feedback that involves people that use services which is why we work with a local advocacy service, who support people with experience of using services to check on what we do by talking to the people we support to check for the little things that matter.

Quality of Life

We know that addressing health inequalities and supporting people’s wellbeing leads to a better quality of life. We also know that adults with learning disabilities, autism and with mental health needs suffer poorer health outcomes than the general population. This is why our Quality Team ensure we support initiatives which contribute towards addressing health and wellbeing. We have also signed up to the Health Charter Initiative and STOMP (stopping the overmedication of people with a learning disability and/or autism) and set up a local Treat Me Well group to campaign for better  experiences for adults with learning disabilities when accessing healthcare.

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At the start of 2020 we employed a Health Promotion and Improvement Lead to support us in addressing these health inequalities and improving the quality of health support people can expect. Their role is to work alongside the teams to ensure that the support provided meets any health needs identified. This includes supporting  development of  comprehensive support plans, risk assessments and providing information in appropriate formats.

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission  ( CQC) is the independent regulator of Social Care services in England. The CQC regulates the work we do, they want all providers to demonstrate they are running services that are SAFE, EFFECTIVE, CARING, RESPONSIVE and WELL-LED.

We are really proud of the fact that all Bethphage services that are registered with the  CQC have been consecutively judged “good” in all 5 domains. This means that we are Good everywhere. This is a credit to the hard work of our fantastic staff. Particular areas of our work that have been highlighted are:

  • Our person centred planning
  • Involvement of service users
  • Staff training and development

Read our full reports below:

Quality Commission
Bradbury Lodge
CQC overall rating
6 December 2018
See the report

Quality Commission
Bradbury Court
CQC overall rating
6 September 2019
See the report

Quality Commission
Arden Place
CQC overall rating
This Service has not been inspected yet.

See Location

Quality Commission
Bethphage Shrewsbury 
CQC overall rating
25 January 2022
See the report

What is Bethphage doing to ensure we meet the Care Quality Commission’s standards?

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  • SAFE– All staff are trained in safeguarding to keep people as safe as possible we also check staff understand this through a competency process, staff are trained in Mental Capacity and all identified risks are assessed with actions to minimise or reduce risks where necessary.
  • EFFECTIVE– All staff support people to achieve their outcomes which in turn results in better quality of life for people using our services. To achieve this we train all staff, we provide detailed policies and procedures and we support staff through supervisions and team meetings. Our goal to become a Positive Behaviour Organisation continues to make progress.
  • CARING– At Bethphage treating people with kindness, dignity, respect and compassion is second nature. Through our approach to being Person Centred, observing staff working & giving feedback, training sessions and supervisions we get to know our staff and help them to develop their approach and style which in turn creates better outcomes for the people they support.
  • RESPONSIVE– At Bethphage we work hard to listen to what people tell us, but we also know that we need to act on what people say and give them feedback, we encourage complaints from people, no matter how minor as it’s often the little things that matter. Our rota administrators work hard to reflect people’s needs and wants, which means our staff are very flexible to support changes and give people the best we can do.
  • WELL–LED– The Board of Trustees have the overall responsibility for the running and management of the organisation. They have quarterly, structured meetings with the executive team to focus on the key areas of the business – Operational quality, Finance and HR functions. Operationally our focus is on being person centred and working hard to provide good support which people enjoy and achieve good outcomes from. The management team from the Team Leaders through to the Operations Director provides a clear line of management accountability. Managers are supported and trained to work effectively with the support staff, mentoring, leading by example & supporting their teams to give of their best. The structure is supported by policies and procedures which underpin our ethos and values.

“People told us they knew how to complain about the care. One person said, “I’d tell the staff if I was unhappy with my care”. A relative told us, “We can contact any staff right up to the chief executive. They’ve always acted on any questions or concerns raised”.”

CQC Inspection Whitchurch 2019:

Let us know how we did

Latest Bethphage News

Once Upon an Eglantyne: Celebrating Eglantyne Jebb

Once Upon an Eglantyne: Celebrating Eglantyne Jebb

Our Space Community Centre & Library recently celebrated the launch of Sally Poynton’s booklet ‘Eglantyne.’ The event honoured the inspiring life of Eglantyne Jebb, co-founder of Save the Children, and commemorated the 100-year anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The community came together to celebrate Eglantyne’s remarkable legacy.

Happy Birthday Bethphage

Happy Birthday Bethphage

On this day, 30 years ago, (September 26th, 1994) Bethphage was officially founded in the UK. We are thrilled to celebrate this significant milestone and have been reflecting on our beginnings and the journey that has shaped us into the organisation we are today.

Upcoming Book Launch: Celebrating the Life of Eglantyne Jebb

Upcoming Book Launch: Celebrating the Life of Eglantyne Jebb

Join us on Saturday, 28th September from 10am to 1pm at Our Space Hub and Library for a special drop-in book launch event for the new book, EGLANTYNE celebrating the remarkable life of Eglantyne Jebb, born in Ellesmere and co-founder of Save the Children.

Head Office

(Registered Address)

8 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane

Tel: 01743 272880