Friends of Bethphage

Support our charity…

Friends of Bethphage aims to create a network of supporters to help increase opportunities for individuals and make their choices become a reality.

You can support us in anyway you choose; from subscribing to our newsletter, following us on Facebook and sharing our posts, attending or helping out at our events, responding to our calls to action,  making small donations towards our projects or just spreading the word about Bethphage!

Make a small donation today and receive an exclusive Bethphage pin badge. After making a donation please email your contact details to or on our JustGiving page to claim your pin.


Our Vision…


Our Vision is of inclusive communities where all people have the opportunity to live the life they choose.

Help us achieve our vision by becoming a Friend of Bethphage and sign up to receive our local newsletter. We would be delighted if you could help our local charity to purchase items for unfunded activities and projects for the people we support.

Become a Friend and get regular updates from us…

Words from our friends…


“So much potential is coming to life at Bethphage!”


“Some fantastic projects to support!”

Thorman Family

“Fantastic new projects. Good Luck with all your fundraising in 2022.”


“Great charity doing fantastic things for people with learning disabilities locally. Can’t wait to see more from the filmmaking project!”


“All the best with the launch of “Friends of Bethphage” XXX”

M&E Global

“Keep up the great work”

Kath Bourne's Colleagues from the University of Bristol

 In memory of Barrie Bourne, our colleague Kath Bourne’s father. The family requested donations to Bethphage, who supported the Bourne family and Stevie over the years.

Roger Pearce

In memory of my brother Joseph.

Jo Redmond

Keep up the amazing work.


“People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.”

CQC Inspection Bradbury Court 2019

Latest Bethphage News

Bethphage Celebrates Shared Lives Week 2024

Bethphage Celebrates Shared Lives Week 2024

It’s Shared Lives Week and our Bethphage Shared Lives team have been enjoying week-long celebrations.

This week aims to highlight Shared Lives schemes across the country and celebrate the work of Shared Lives Carers.

Bethphage Celebrates 30th Birthday

Bethphage Celebrates 30th Birthday

As we mark 30 years of Bethphage, we were so pleased to bring our staff, people we support and Shared Lives carers together again for a big celebration!

Head Office

(Registered Address)

8 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane

Tel: 01743 272880