Treat Me Well Shropshire has a busy few weeks

Treat Me Well Shropshire has a busy few weeks

Click Here to Donate ◃ Report a Safeguarding Concern Treat Me Well Shropshire has a busy few weeks! Treat Me Well Shropshire has had a busy few weeks – meeting “virtually” on 29th April and also joining other Treat Me Well Groups by participating in their second...
Treat Me Well Shropshire Welcomes Vaccine Announcement

Treat Me Well Shropshire Welcomes Vaccine Announcement

Click Here to Donate ◃ Report a Safeguarding Concern Treat Me Well Shropshire Welcomes Vaccine Announcement Bethphage & Treat Me Well Shropshire are delighted by the news that the Joint Commission on Vaccination and Immunisation has advised the government...
Bethphage Celebrates Vaccine Roll Out!

Bethphage Celebrates Vaccine Roll Out!

Click Here to Donate ◃ Report a Safeguarding Concern Bethphage Celebrates Vaccine Roll Out! Bethphage are  delighted that the vaccine roll out has reached  our front line support workers. Many of our colleagues have now had their first dose of the vaccine as well as a...
Bethphage Reflections 2020

Bethphage Reflections 2020

Click Here to Donate ◃ Report a Safeguarding Concern Bethphage Reflections 2020 2020 has certainly been a challenging year! When we reflect and consider the difficulties faced over the past 6 months, we feel both incredibly proud and humbled by how well our staff have...