Bethphage are proud to support adults with learning disabilities, autism and mental health needs in Shrophsire and the West Midlands to live the lives they choose.
You can help your local charity this Christmas by becoming a “Friend of Bethphage”.
You can support us in anyway you choose; from subscribing to our newsletter, following us on Facebook and sharing our posts, attending or helping out at our events, responding to our calls to action, making small donations towards our projects or just spreading the word about Bethphage!
Your donations will make a direct difference to the people we support, from film equipment to a ride on lawn mower for Oak Farm, we have a range of projects you will be supporting.
Become a friend today and you can claim your exclusive “Friends of Bethphage” pin badge.
Learn more about Friends of Bethphage below, and don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter below for updates!

Latest Bethphage News
Welcoming Claire Flavell: Bethphage’s New Head of Operations
Following the recent appointment of our Head of Operations, Helen Nickless, as CEO, we are thrilled to welcome her successor, Claire Flavell, to Bethphage!
The Autumn Budget: Bethphage’s Verdict
Bethphage responds to the recent Autumn Budget and the impact it will have on the Social Care Sector, highlighting rising costs and the need for action.
Helen Nickless appointed as next CEO of Bethphage
Bethphage is pleased to announce the successful recruitment of our new CEO. Helen Nickless, our current Head of Operations, will be taking over from Stef Kay when she retires in April next year.
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Head Office
(Registered Address)
8 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane
Tel: 01743 272880