Our Approach

Bethphage is a charitable business that has a strong set of Core Values that resonate across the organisation and are also reflected within our Vision and Mission and the way we get things done. We believe that only the best trained professional can provide the right person-centred support which is why we place huge importance on both quality and training.

Our vision is of inclusive communities where all people have the opportunity to live the life they choose. We deliver this by implementing our Core Values of personal growth, honesty, respect and active involvement, through our person-centred approaches to service delivery, activities and all that we do to support the people who use our services.

We are continuously working to become a Positive Behaviour Organisation (PBO). Using the concepts and values of positive behaviour support, we apply them to how we inspire, lead and manage our team and to how staff treat each other. We believe that, by being a PBO, we will make a significant difference to the quality of life for the people who use our services and make Bethphage an even better place to work.

We are a Learning Disability Specialist, which means we have the experience, creativity, skills and knowledge to provide support that is really person-centred and will balance risk and safety with the opportunity to get the most out of life. We work with each person to access the identified risks and support them to make choices, which minimise the risks and enable them to have control.

Adults with learning disabilities, 25 years in care, Bethphage

“People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.”

CQC Inspection Bradbury Court 2019

Latest Bethphage News

Community Orchard Project

Community Orchard Project

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our crowdfunding campaign for our community orchard at Blossom barns!

Head Office

(Registered Address)

8 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane

Tel: 01743 272880