Just a little bit of support...

 Lucy is an outgoing and sociable young woman. She communicates extremely well, and her confident outlook gives the world the impression that she is completely independent.

It is easy to judge a book by its cover! Lucy is all the above, but she has a mild learning disability and has had mental health needs in the past that have put her into some vulnerable situations.

Lucy has learnt to manage and hides her disability from others. It was only when she suffered a breakdown that her parents and friends recognised, she needed some help.

Getting the right support from professionals is paramount from the outset, but equally understanding what support Lucy needs to live a more fulfilling and independent life. Enabling her to do the things she enjoys, knowing she is safe and secure.

Lucy lives in her own flat and has 12 hours support a week. She said this is her lifeline, as it helps to keep her emotionally secure. She can share worries with her support worker regarding finances, emotions, or social activities. It could be as simple as a letter, requesting meter readings, that can raise her anxiety to lose sleep at night not knowing how to read the meter or log the reading.

Not knowing how to budget has left Lucy in debt with no money to spend on a weekly food shop at times, but more worrying some of the people she met casually in a pub would take her to her cash machine and take advantage of free drinks…

By providing just 12 hours of support a week over the last few years, Bethphage have been able to help Lucy turn her life around! She is debt-free, she budgets her weekly shop, house bills, and has a healthy savings account, allowing her to enjoy trips and treats.

Lucy has a lovely circle of friends and volunteers in a local charity shop. Her life is fulfilled, and she is living her life, enabling her to be as independent as possible. This has given her the security to live in her own home with the support she needs and have the same rights and responsibilities as other people in the community.

The “people we support” (PWS) have quite different needs – Our support varies depending on the person, ranging from two hours a week to 24 hours day and night. Support is provided in people’s own homes, their family home, in individual or shared tenancies and out and about in the community.

Bethphage’s aims are always the same, offering “Person-Centred” support to help people connect with their community through meaningful activities and interests.

Learn more about what we do here

*Some names and details have been changed to protect identities

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