Coming Soon- "A Day in the Life of..."

Over the next few months, we are going to focus on our Support and Specialist Staff and the People we Support in our services.

Bethphage offer a diverse and wide range of services including Supported Living, Day Opportunities, Shared Lives, Autism, Mental Health, Positive behaviour Support, Transforming Care and Registered Care for Complex Needs.

What is it really like to work on a day-to-day basis in each of these services?  We will be sharing positive and uplifting stories but also looking at more of the challenging aspects that our highly trained staff are fully equipped to deal with.

Rewarding and enriching – our staff are passionate about getting the best possible support for people with disabilities or mental health issues, enabling and empowering the people we support to live independent, happy and all-inclusive lives.

To find out more about our range of services browse our website or contact 

Latest Bethphage News

The Autumn Budget: Bethphage’s Verdict

The Autumn Budget: Bethphage’s Verdict

Bethphage responds to the recent Autumn Budget and the impact it will have on the Social Care Sector, highlighting rising costs and the need for action.

Helen Nickless appointed as next CEO of Bethphage

Helen Nickless appointed as next CEO of Bethphage

Bethphage is pleased to announce the successful recruitment of our new CEO. Helen Nickless, our current Head of Operations, will be taking over from Stef Kay when she retires in April next year.

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Head Office

(Registered Address)

8 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane

Tel: 01743 272880