Better Pay for Social Care Workers

The past year has brought into sharp focus the crucial and essential work social care workers do across the country to support adults within our communities. 

You may have seen on the news or in your own communities how social care workers put themselves at risk, isolated from their loved ones and dealt with the everchanging guidance to ensure everybody who needed support, got it.  

Our staff, like the 1.5 million Social Care workers across the country, consistently go above and beyond to ensure people are supported, whether in care homes, their own homes, at day opportunities or in their local communities.  

Unfortunately, most social care workers will not make more than minimum wage (£8.91 an hour). As a charity; funded by the local authority, like many other Social Care providers, the amount we can pay our staff is dictated by the funding we receive from the Local Authorities we work with.  

Bethphage are supporting the “Better Pay 4 Social Care” campaign which is calling on the Government to ensure social care workers are paid the National Living Wage (£9.50 an hour£10.85 in London) by increasing their investment in the social care sector, which in turn will allow local authorities to increase their funding to local providers delivering frontline care and support.  

Last year saw the government make a new commitment to the care sector, looking beyond the pandemic, this campaign is asking them to make a real change for the people working in care on the frontline to deliver first class support to all those who need it in our communities.  

To show your support for support workers & this campaign you can sign the petition here.

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