On this day, 30 years ago, (September 26th, 1994) Bethphage was officially founded in the UK. We are thrilled to celebrate this significant milestone and have been reflecting on our beginnings and the journey that has shaped us into the organisation we are today.
Bethphage in the UK was born from the vision of our Honorary President, Donna Werner. At the time she was an executive with Bethphage in the US (now Mosaic) Donna visited the UK and went to a long-stay hospital for people with learning disabilities. Disturbed by the poor treatment she observed, she was inspired to engage with commissioners about creating a more compassionate model of care. This led to the founding of Bethphage GB. As part of the hospital resettlement programme, we supported five people transition from a long-stay hospital into a small, registered care home in the heart of the community in Whitchurch, North Shropshire.
Donna was passionate about enabling people with learning disabilities to live in “inclusive communities where people have the opportunity to live the life they choose,” which is the vision that continues to focus Bethphage today and remains at the heart of everything we do.
Today, 30 years later, we offer a wide range of support services to over 220 adults with learning disabilities, autism, and mental health needs across Shropshire and the West Midlands, with a dedicated team of more than 350 staff. We support people in their own homes through various supported living settings, Day Opportunities that include a working farm and a library, and small registered care homes for people with complex needs. Additionally, we manage the Shared Lives Scheme in Shropshire. During the latter years, we have purchased four bungalows to provide good quality accommodation, which has enabled nine people with learning disabilities to take their first steps into becoming tenants and enabling them to live the life they choose, with the support they need in their communities.
As we look towards the next thirty years, we are excited for what’s to come. We have just begun our most exciting venture yet by investing in a 12 acre farm in South East Shropshire. The farm will provide a new day opportunity for adults with learning disabilities to learn a range of skills predominantly focused in animal care and horticulture, along with social skills, a safe place for people to develop friendships and to have fun! The farm has already been named by people we support as Blossom Barns because, “we grow together.”
On this milestone, our founder and honorary president, Donna Werner said:
“What started as a small project for 5 people in Whitchurch has grown to a premier provider of services and support to more than 200 people with disabilities. This has been accomplished in partnership with people supported, their families, funders, employees, and trustees. Congratulations, Bethphage, on your 30th anniversary. The best is yet to come.”
Our Chair of Trustees, Derek Lum said:
“30 years is a fantastic milestone for Bethphage and we should all be rightly proud in the part we have played in that journey. With the purchase of Blossom Barns, and other projects that Bethphage is working on, we can all look forward to continuing to grow and strengthen Bethphage for the benefit of the people we support. It is good that the person who established Bethphage in 1994, Donna Werner, is still involved as our Honorary President.”
Latest Bethphage News
Bethphage wishes CEO a happy retirement
You may have seen in our recent posts that Helen Nickless will be taking over the reins from Stef Kay as the new Chief Executive Officer of Bethphage on the 1st of April.
People we support and staff joined us as head office to wish Stef all the best in her retirement!
Bethphage Supports Providers Unite Day of Action
Following the autumn budget, Bethphage will be supporting Providers Unite “Day of Action” on the 25th of February in London to send a message that care cannot wait!
Community Orchard Project
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our crowdfunding campaign for our community orchard at Blossom barns!
Head Office
(Registered Address)
8 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane
Tel: 01743 272880